Packing a Punch with Potentiators

I often answer and interact with a few Kratom discussion forums online and one of the things I would love to talk about which some newbies may hear about and the oldies will have more experience with is Potentiators.

In clinical terms, a potentiator is a reagent that enhances sensitization of an antigen. A reagent is a substance or compound added to a system to cause a chemical reaction and the antigen is a molecule or molecular structure. That a more simplified scientific description, for a more lengthy detailed explanation you can check out this wiki link, my definition is definitely not the most scientific way of relaying the clinical terms regarding Kratom.

But let’s get to the good and bad of potentiators. We will start off with the good; potentiators can make your Kratom last longer and give you that extra punch that you might need. So below is a potentiators and some of their benefits:

Preventing a tolerance to kratom

Making kratom more effective

Helping your experience with kratom to last longer, therefore saving you money

Making your supply last a little bit longer

As for the bad, perhaps not the best term but when you use potentiators you need to know your Kratom strains and your bodies limits. When ever you are altering or enhancing Kratom treat it as if it’s your first time taking it, proceed wisely.

So since Kratom is a natural remedy below is a list of natural compatibles and of course we always advise when you can use organic.

List of Natural Potentiates

Grapefruit Juice
Grapefruit juice does a few different things. First is that it makes the effects of Kratom last longer. Secondly, it helps cut that bitter taste that Kratom leaves behind and thirdly, grapefruit juice helps aid the digestive enzymes that breakdown the fibrous exterior help alkaloids enter your system more quickly.

Tumeric is one of my favorite on this list. Besides this affordable common everyday spice it is also the most potent of potentiators and does not have adverse side effects. Commonly know for it’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory power it can also last for an extended time.


Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne pepper maybe be for those with a stronger set up taste buds and unfortunately I am a wimp when it comes to spices. Generally used with dry plain leaf, Cayenne pepper is also know for helping joint pain, weight issues and other pains but more importantly it increases the speed of Kratom digestion by increasing saliva production.

The above a just a list of a few and if you have more potentiators that you use, we would love to hear your feedback so email us at

When we get a more lengthy list we will dedicate a page to Potentiators for those that want to try something new.

As stated throughout the site, in no way are dispensing medical advice, all of our articles are to share various perspectives in hope that you may relate to someone’s story or some basis Kratom information.


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