Beginner Methods: #1 Toss & Wash

Let’s be honest, Kratom can taste very bitter to a new user, and and we have plenty of ways you can learn to use your Kratom, below are a few ways to introduce your palate to the bitterness of kratom. Over the next few articles we will review a few different methods.

Finding the sweet spot makes the difference in having a good experience kratom. New users should always start with 1-2 grams and work their way up to a desired dose. There are a lot of people in our LLU group who can help you decide what to start with and we recommend speaking to them to get on track.

Monitor yourself after your first dose and make the decision if you would like more or stay right where you’re at.

Dosing on an empty stomach is the preferred method of many Kratom users as well.

Toss and Wash

Toss and wash is one of the more popular ways to use Kratom (which is my fav).

This is where you take your desired dose, toss it in the back of your throat, be sure not to breath in while you are tossing the powder into your mouth. Hold it in you mouth then wash it down with your favorite drink.

The toss and wash method is a great way to get your dose quickly and efficiently if you can perform it correctly.

Side Note – There are also oblate discs you can purchase from Amazon or elsewhere which will allow you to put the dry powder in, wrap it up, and swallow whole with a drink. The oblate disc (a thin piece of non-plastic that digests easily), will not hurt you one bit.


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